More of Ashley H

I finished up Ashley’s Senior session and wanted to share some of my favorites from that day. She really is refreshing, sweet, and funny. I’m so glad that she found me.

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Ashley H~ T.H. South

Terre Haute, Indiana

Bridgeton, Indiana

Here is a sneak peek for you. I had so much fun with you, but, are you as sore as I am? Geesh we got a work-out yesterday.

Ashley is a Senior at T.H. South and a dream subject. Let’s just say that she knows how to work the camera and show attitude! LOVE it!! I’m finding that these photos are (in the words of Ashley) tight! Oh yes, I went there. LOL :o)

We started our session in Terre Haute and did a few shots on Poplar Street and then by the Stables Steakhouse building. After that, we headed to my favorite spot in Parke county.

Elizabeth H~S.V.H.S. Senior

Bridgeton, Indiana

Okay, we did this session in two days after she got off from school. On the first day, it was cold and very cloudy. I’ve said several times that I prefer to shoot with no clouds in sight. I know that is strange, but for me, it’s much easier to find shade and use very minimal flash in bright sunny days. Wednesday she and I along with Ashley from my first senior session, went to Bridgeton, Indiana. Elizabeth totally rocked out these pictures. I couldn’t believe the locations that we were able to find in just a small area. These really are cool shots. At the end of our session, we got some SAAWEEETTT light!!!!!!!! The sunset light was amazing. I’m totally loving every picture from Wednesday.

Here is a video along with some larger images of my favorites.


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Wally, the wall-eyed fish

Wally, the wall-eyed fish

 These guys were fishing when we were doing the shoot, and one suggested that she take a picture with the biggest fish I have ever seen. LOL

LOVE this image!!!!!!!

LOVE this image!!!!!!!