Senior shoot part 2

This is more from the session I did with Ashley. I am really pleased with how they are coming out. The colors that she chose to wear really just help to make every color pop. To see part 1 of this session, just scroll down to the one under this post.

Ashley~ 2009 Senior Rep

I met with Ashley today to do her Senior pictures. She is my Senior Rep for South Vermillion High School. We spent close to four hours together getting all sorts of shots and in all sorts of locations through Vermillion and Parke County. She is such a nice girl with a good head on her shoulders. She knows what she wants to do with her life and I think that is awesome!

We started our session at a building on Crompton hill in Clinton, went to the railroad tracks on Water Street, went to her families farm, then her neighbors property. After there, her mom, Bri, Ashley and I headed out to Parke County to Bridgeton Covered Bridge where we wrapped up with ice cream. This first shot shows Ashley’s funny side. LOL I am so pleased with how these are all turning out Ashley. Thanks again for being such a great sport and putting up with the heat that we had and for wading out in the chilly waters with me to capture some fun photographs.

Today’s devotional

I haven’t shared a devotional in a while, so while I was checking my e-mail just now, I read this and knew I had to share. This devotional really kind of cut to the quick of me. Yesterday, I got some frustrating news and while driving called out to God. My prayer life has been kind of sparse for awhile and this devotional just spoke to me, convicted me and encouraged me to step it up a little. It really can be an effort to pray sometimes, but the rewards are massive. God really just wants to spend time with us. You would’nt think that it would be such a big thing to give God some of your time. I think for me at least, if I just acknowledge Him throughout my day, it will keep my lines of communication open to Him. He loves us so much and He just wants to spend time with us, and be involved in our everyday life.


September 11, 2008


A Dime in my Pocket

Karen Ehman


Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I call to you all day long.”

Psalm 86:3 (NIV)



Do you remember pay phones? My kids are just sure I’m ready for the senior citizen’s discount when they hear me speak of them. But maybe you’re one of my fellow ‘old folks’ and know exactly what I’m talking about. They hung on the walls at restaurants and airports; in shopping malls and at gas stations. When you needed to get a message to someone back home that the ball game was over or the outing was finished, you dug for the dime your mother (being the proper parent she was) always made sure resided in your jean’s pocket. Then you reached for the receiver, slipped your other hand up to the slot, dropped the silver coin in and dialed. Soon help, or a ride, was on the way.


I used my dimes sparingly in the olden days–you know, the 1980’s–reserving them only for completely necessary calls and occasional emergencies. In the course of a month, I resorted to my waiting dime only a time or two. If it was to be used, I wanted to make sure it was really worth it. If not, then it stayed conveniently tucked away in my front pocket, waiting for the day it would be called upon to come and rescue me.


Contrast this with today’s cell phones and some teenagers. Oh dear, at times it appears those electronic contraptions are glued to their ears!!! These kids don’t make a call once or twice a month, but once or twice a minute in some severe cases! They feel free to dial at any time, call at their convenience, and to use their ‘phone a friend’ lifeline at the drop of a hat. Now, least you think this is going to be a devotion that scolds these talkative teens, let me make my point clear. I actually think they are on to something!


Think with me in terms of our relationship with God. I’m afraid that often I am much more like a teen in the 80’s when it comes to calling upon the Lord. I reserve my spiritual dimes for the times I really need Him, making sure it is worth the effort of prayer. (And earnest prayer is sometimes effort, you know!) When I fear I will be spiritually stranded without a ride, feel a bit scared and need someone to rush to my side, or any other such divine emergency, I call upon the Lord. Other times, sadly, I must admit my spiritual cell phone sometimes stays shut.


Instead, my prayer life should emulate the actions of the chatty teens of our current culture. I should feel free to call, text and mobile-to-mobile my Lord about any and everything and, as a result, stay constantly connected to Him throughout the course of my day. I should realize that His line is never busy, His ear never tires and He longs to connect with me more than an occasional time or two a week. I too can call (pray), text (journal), save a message (memorize Scripture) or return a message (praise Him) no matter the time or place! Oh, if only God’s presence in my everyday life became as precious and desired as a teen’s cell phone use addiction!


How about it, fellow phoner? Perhaps this week when we spy a cell phone, let it trigger our memory of today’s key verse. Call upon the Lord. All day long. He will answer every time. No roaming charges, no busy signals and best of all, no dropped calls!


Dear Lord, please forgive me for resorting to prayer only when I need You for something. I resolve now to keep connected with You all through my day. I’ll call upon You in times of need as well as when I just want to thank You or spend time with You. You are my only lifeline. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Autumn is coming

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
–  Albert Camus

The other day my little one and I went on a treasure hunt to find the colors of fall. She is so observant that she is noticing how many people are starting to display their fall decorations. She is also noticing how some trees are starting to lose their leaves. So, on this day we set out to look for red, yellow, orange and even brown things. We live across the street from a field that looks like it has milo in it. I’m not familiar with agriculture (yes i know what corn and bean plants look like, just not milo lol) so if this isn’t milo someone can tell me. Anyway, I’ve told E from the beginning of the growing season that corn fields, bean fields and the like are the farmers money and that we need to respect the fields. I don’t know why I added that, it’s just cute to hear her say, “there’s the farmers money mamma!”

Something yellow

Something yellow

Something Red

Something Red

Red leaf

Red leaf

Something Brown, lol

Something Brown, lol

More from Mark and Michelle’s wedding

This couple is amazing! The story of how they met is also amazing. There is a lot of photos that show their affection. When I look at their photographs, I honestly believe that you can see the love they have for one another. The adoration is in their eyes, in their smile. They are totally head-over-heels in love with each other and with each others children. Mark’s mom told me that they think Michelle rocks. I love it!! What a blessing it was for me to see true love in action. They made me feel all warm and fuzzy. lol Seriously!
First kiss as husband and wife

First kiss as husband and wife


Her beautiful ring!

The groom

The groom















The beautiful Bride

The beautiful Bride

The lantern that lit the ceremony

The lantern that lit the ceremony

I tried something different in this image

I tried something different in this image