Shelby’s senior session video

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The C Family (6 month session)

I met up with this wonderful family again. This time we met up at the Indianapolis Museum of Arts. We had wonderful weather on Sunday. I can’t believe how big little “X” has gotten. He is filling out and is so happy all the time. His sister is getting so big too. Little “A” makes me smile. Of course, they both do. I only just started editing their pics so I’ll post one of each of them. In a later post I’ll include the links to the previous sessions that I had with them.


Nelson’s Greenhouse

I posted a blog a little bit ago about the local greenhouse in my hometown. Yesterday I took the little one and we went to see what colors were popping there. Becky was right, boy had things changed since the last time I was there. Their roses smell SO good!!!! The colors were just exploding everywhere. Seriously, if you have any question regarding flowers and/or vegetables, Becky and Kenny are the one to ask. Everyone there is so nice.

Shameless plug? Absolutely. 🙂 She always helps me.


I did a another session with this family, only this time focusing on just the baby. We’ll be meeting up again sometime in the summer to do the entire family. I can’t wait.

Skylar is a month and a half and what a cutie! I love the zebra print with the pink background. She is really a very content baby.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Shelby 2009 Senior~Riverton Parke

I just got finished with a wonderful Senior session. I’ve known this family since Shelby was a baby. Actually, I knew this family before Shelby was ever born. I remember her as a baby, she had hair that stuck straight up in the air. Shelby and my oldest have always been really close so they got some pictures together.

Here is a few for ya to hold you over.

P.S. Photographers that shoot outdoor sessions should not wear good clothes, which I didn’t. I ended up stepping in cow “stuff”, losing my shoe in a small creek. Just plain filthy. 🙂 It was a lot of fun. lol

I about died getting this shot...not really haha

I about died getting this shot...not really haha

My cinderella

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Spring Flowers

Well, earlier I think I posted some images of my emerging lilacs, my favorite flower. However, the cold weather that decided to come back killed most of my flowers. That makes me so sad. 😦

Yesterday though we had some amazing temps and so “E” and I got outside and I was able to take some pictures of flowers and her. I’ll post her pictures tomorrow though.

To process these images I used an action from Coffee Shop Photography. I believe there is a link on the right hand side. If there isn’t, I’ll post the link again.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge




Not textured. If anyone knows what kind of tree this is, let me know.

Not textured. If anyone knows what kind of tree this is, let me know.

JoDee, Chloe & Skylar

On Saturday I met with three adorable little girls. The older two had such wonderful ideas for poses and locations that I really think they need to come with me to my sessions. : p

I met their mommy when I photographed her brothers wedding last year in May and so I was so excited when she called me to photograph her girls. All three of the girls are so photogenic.

Here is a sneak peek of their session. I’ll of course post more when I finish.

Samara~Model Session

Here is a video of Samara’s session. I’m not completely done with her photographs, but close enough that I wanted to go ahead and share her session with you. She is living the the states capital and is an aspiring model. You’ll be seeing more of her as we build her portfolio. I am so excited to do more sessions with her. She is such a great girl and I’m sure she is going to go far.

The images from our session aren’t posted yet, but will be soon.


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Madison & Mark

Below you see the preview of their engagement session, well here is their completed session for you all to view. They are getting married on June 6 at the amazingly beautiful White Chapel on the campus of the Rose Hulman Institute. You can view images of the church here:

I’m sure the images that I capture are going to be just wonderful. How can they not be though, this couple is gorgeous together.


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