Seth~2011 S.V. Senior/Clinton and Terre Haute Indiana High School Senior Photographer

I guess it’s a sign that I’m no longer as young as I think I am when kids that I saw as newborns are now graduating, huh? I still feel young so that’s all that matters.

Seth has turned into such a nice young man. I really loved spending time with him and his mom during our session together.

Here are some of my favorites. Thank you for choosing me to do your pictures.


Krystina~2011 S.V. Senior/Clinton Indiana High School Senior Photographer

I had such a great time with Krystina and her mom. When we met up, it was very gloomy and a little misty, but we made it work. I went to school with Krystina’s mom and even though we live in the same town, this was the first time we have seen each other since we graduated. It was wonderful to reconnect with ya!

Krystina is such a pretty girl. I hope you love your pics. Enjoy the rest of your Senior year!


Taylor~2011 T.H.S.V. Senior/Terre Haute Indiana High School Senior Photographer

Taylor, her mom and I met up at Bridgeton, Indiana at 8:00 a.m. It’s a good thing that we did because I think by 9:30 we were all an icky mess. Taylor really did a fabulous job and it was so great to be around her and her mom again. I photographed her older sisters wedding last year and that is how I got to meet her and her mom. What great people!!

I have several favorites, (don’t I always, lol) so bear with me.

Thanks for looking!


This is the view I had when I parked that morning.


“A”dorable/Clinton Indiana Toddler Photographer

Ok, the title is cheesy, but I think you’ll agree with me once you see these images. We shot this when it was mind melting hot outside. I mean…really hot! We only shot for 1 hour because of it. I have to say that I’m a huge fan of this little girl. Despite the heat…she did really good. Her mommy brought some popsicle to help cool her down and they made for some cute photos.

Ok, enough of my rambling…on with the pictures.

Fresh pear….she didn’t care for it though. 🙂

Serious cuteness!!! When I did this picture….my heart just about exploded. 🙂

Another fav!

I made this tutu and “A” was not a fan of it, but you can’t tell in this picture. 🙂

How’s your heart? Stolen…ha!!

Thanks for looking.


Sneak Peek~Taylor 2011 S.Vigo/Terre Haute High School Senior Photographer

I met up with Taylor and her mom yesterday morning at 8:00 a.m. in Bridgeton. Bridgeton is in Parke County and is such a beautiful place for pictures. I’m glad that we started as early as we did….by 9:30 or so…it was getting too hot for outdoor pictures. From Bridgeton, we headed to my house for the studio part of her session. Here is a peek for now of her session. Check back for more.

Meet “Tank”

Isn’t she stunning?

Sneak Peek~”A”/Clinton Indiana Children Photographer

Can it get any hotter?!? Wow what a heat wave we are having, huh? Well, that didn’t stop little Miss “A” from showing off her cuteness last night. I brought my little bench that I got from Hobby Lobby, some suitcases, parasol and the tutu I made. Her mommy brought bubbles and the most important thing…popsicles. We did cut the session short due to the heat, but what we got was so good!

Here are several of my favorites from last night. Come back later to see the rest. 🙂

Sneak Peek~”T” 1 yr old/Clinton & Terre Haute Indiana Children Photographer

Sigh!! This is the last session in my Tiny Blessing Package with Miss “T”. It has been SUCH a blessing to be able to document her first year of life. I’ll be meeting up with them again in August for her actual birthday. I can’t wait to be able to capture her at her birthday party. I’m sure she will be surrounded by a lot of family and friends.

For this 1 year session we did a little bit of everything. We shot in the town of Dana near an old building, on the tracks, then we headed back to their house for a little bit of cake smashing. 🙂 The preview I’m showing this morning is actually some “outtakes”. She wasn’t real partial to the cake and made the funniest faces. Tiffany told me that “T” isn’t fond of certain textures. 

The Backdrop and Floor is from PhotoPropFloors and Backdrop.

Enjoy the peek!


forget it…I’m outta here. 🙂

 I love seeing pictures that I’ve taken hanging up in my clients homes. Here are some previous sessions with lil “T”.

“C” Family/Indianapolis Indiana Family Photographer

I think July has probably been the hottest month we’ve had for a while. I came early to their house to avoid the hottest part of the day, and it’s a good thing I did.

We started at their house and I love how Christine has ideas for when I came for the session. For our fall session, we have some great ideas.

I’ve taken their pictures since the fall of 2008 and it’s funny how things work with me and the children. Most of the time the little guy has been fairly easy to photograph, didn’t fuss much, etc. Little “A” was a typical two-year old…didn’t really care to have her picture taken. On this day, they flipped on me. 🙂 “X” had no interest in pictures (I did get good action photos though) and “A”…well these were some of the best pictures I have taken of her so far. I really had a hard time narrowing down the best ones.

Please enjoy my favorites!



“H” Family~Maternity Session/Terre Haute Indiana Maternity and Family Photographer

I finished up Lindsay’s maternity session last night and was eager to show off her session. Having known this family since 2008, I feel as if we are more friends now than just client/photographer. I have shared in some pretty big milestones with these guys. In just a week or two, I’ll be able to capture another milestone…the addition of little “B”. I can’t wait to capture this family again when he gets here. 🙂 I LOVE newborn photography.

We met up at Fowler Park in Terre Haute at 8:30 a.m. Shooting during this time of day gave us some really pretty light and cooler temps. If I could, I would shoot that early all the time. I’ve also got to say this…I wish I looked half as hot pregnant as Lindsay does. I always just looked hot, as in turn on the air conditioning, hot. haha!! Seriously though, Lindsay, you look so pretty.



Sneak Peek~The “C” Family/Indianapolis Indiana Family Photographer

I got to meet up with the “C” Family over the Holiday weekend. I always enjoy seeing how the little ones change. I have been working with this family since October 2008. To see some past sessions, you can click on the links below.

We went to a playground that is located right behind their house. Check out this fun map on the ground! Christine told me they like to start at California and jump all the way to the east coast. As the children jump, Christine would shout out which state they were on….very good way to educate and have fun!

Check back in soon for more.

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